Definition of Sweet orange

1. Noun. Orange with sweet juicy pulp; often has a thin skin.

Generic synonyms: Orange
Specialized synonyms: Jaffa Orange, Navel Orange, Valencia Orange
Group relationships: Citrus Sinensis, Sweet Orange Tree

2. Noun. Probably native to southern China; widely cultivated as source of table and juice oranges.
Exact synonyms: Citrus Sinensis, Sweet Orange Tree
Group relationships: Genus Citrus
Generic synonyms: Orange, Orange Tree

Definition of Sweet orange

1. Noun. A type of citrus fruit, commonly known as the orange. The species name is ''Citrus sinensis''. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sweet Orange

sweet gum
sweet gum tree
sweet gum trees
sweet hereafter
sweet iron
sweet leaf
sweet lemon
sweet lime
sweet marjoram
sweet melon
sweet melon vine
sweet mother of Jesus
sweet nothings
sweet oil
sweet oils
sweet orange
sweet orange tree
sweet oranges
sweet pea
sweet peas
sweet pepper
sweet pepper plant
sweet pepperbush
sweet peppers
sweet pickle
sweet potato
sweet potato vine
sweet potatoes
sweet reseda
sweet rocket

Literary usage of Sweet orange

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture: Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation by Liberty Hyde Bailey, Wilhelm Miller (1901)
"The sour Orange, the bitter-sweet Orange, the rough lemons, the grape-fruit or pomelo and the Citrus trifoliata have all been used successfully as stock for ..."

2. The Lancet (1842)
"Citrus aurantium, sweet orange (flowers and their distilled oil, fruit, rind). ... sweet orange ..."

3. The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: A Discussion for the Amateur, and by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1914)
"The common or sweet orange is widely cult, in all the tropical and subtropical regions of the ... The sweet orange is commonly used as a stock on which ..."

4. The Journal of Heredity by American Genetic Association (1920)
"The four types of the sweet orange also differ in similar way in size and ... The sweet orange and sour orange seedlings grown for stock purposes are ..."

5. The Forest Flora of North-west and Central India: A Handbook of the by John Lindsay Stewart, Dietrich Brandis (1874)
"Gallesio states (1. cp 32), that during a series of years he had sown the seeds of the sweet Orange ; that they never produced bitter Oranges ; and that ..."

6. Proceedings by American Pomological Society (1900)
"In attempting to obtain sorts having the quality and flavor of the common sweet orange with a loose, easily removed rind, like the Mandarin type of orange, ..."

7. Cyclopedia of American Horticulture: Comprising Suggestions for Cultivation by Liberty Hyde Bailey, Wilhelm Miller (1901)
"The sour Orange, the bitter-sweet Orange, the rough lemons, the grape-fruit or pomelo and the Citrus trifoliata have all been used successfully as stock for ..."

8. The Lancet (1842)
"Citrus aurantium, sweet orange (flowers and their distilled oil, fruit, rind). ... sweet orange ..."

9. The Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture: A Discussion for the Amateur, and by Liberty Hyde Bailey (1914)
"The common or sweet orange is widely cult, in all the tropical and subtropical regions of the ... The sweet orange is commonly used as a stock on which ..."

10. The Journal of Heredity by American Genetic Association (1920)
"The four types of the sweet orange also differ in similar way in size and ... The sweet orange and sour orange seedlings grown for stock purposes are ..."

11. The Forest Flora of North-west and Central India: A Handbook of the by John Lindsay Stewart, Dietrich Brandis (1874)
"Gallesio states (1. cp 32), that during a series of years he had sown the seeds of the sweet Orange ; that they never produced bitter Oranges ; and that ..."

12. Proceedings by American Pomological Society (1900)
"In attempting to obtain sorts having the quality and flavor of the common sweet orange with a loose, easily removed rind, like the Mandarin type of orange, ..."

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